Supercharge Your Sandwich

Supercharge Your Sandwich

Sandwiches have had a bad reputations for many years. Often they are seen to be a ‘quick fill’ and lacking in nutrition but we believe sandwiches have their place. Just like a healthy meal, sandwiches should have carbohydrates, protein, fats and vegetables.

Outlined below are some great options for putting together a healthy sandwich that is not only easy to make but packed full of goodness!

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The outside (carbohydrates)

Choose wholegrain breads and wraps that are full of fibre and B Vitamins. Look for the lowest levels of sodium, preservatives and refined white flour.

Some good options:

  • Rye or wholegrain bread
  • Sourdough or multigrain sourdough
  • Gluten free breads made with quinoa, almond, seeds, buckwheat or other seeds and grains
  • Wholegrain or gluten free wraps

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The spread (fats)

Instead of using margarine (high in damaged fats and sodium) or store-brought mayonnaise (high in preservatives and added sugar) to help your sandwich stick try some of these instead:

  • Mashed avocado
  • Organic butter
  • Tahini
  • Homemade pesto
  • Almond or macadamia butter

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The filler (protein)

Having protein included in your sandwich means it will fuel your body and help with consistent energy levels. Beware of processed deli meats that are high in sodium and nitrates, instead opt for:

  • Beans or lentils (can be mashed)
  • Poached chicken
  • Tuna or salmon (sustainably farmed or sourced)
  • Egg
  • Lean red meat

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The bulk (vegetables)

The main part of your sandwich should be from colourful vegetables. Get creative and get as many colours as you can in there!

Some options could be:

  • Leftover roast vegetables
  • Grated raw carrot, beetroot and zucchini
  • Steamed asparagus and broccolini
  • Kale, spinach and other leafy greens
  • Sprouts and alfalfa
  • Sliced cucumber, capsicum and red onion

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Sometimes we like to spruce up our sandwich with a few extras to give an added boost of nutrients. Use some of the things below to boost your sandwich:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflowers seeds (or sunflower seed butter)
  • Walnuts
  • Pepper
  • Spices
  • Herbs
  • Lemon zest

So next time you are wondering what to take for lunch, make yourself a supercharged sandwich that is healthy and filling! Remember to get creative: sandwiches don’t have to be boring!

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